Main Page
Welcome to!
Contact Juggling (also known as Dynamic Manipulation, Sphereplay, Orb Rolling, Spherical balancing etc) is a relatively new form of juggling where balls are rolled over the hands and body instead of tossing them in the air. The fundamental ideas of contact juggling were formulated in the early 1980s by physical artist Michael Moschen, although different forms of CJ (as we call it) have been around for quite some time.
The learning zone
- New to contactjuggling? Got questions? Check out the Beginners guide to contact juggling
- The moves section - Learn how to perform CJ moves.
- Ball balls balls - Balls of all shapes and sizes.
- Dance - Dance styles being combined with contact.
Further information
- forum.
- Reviews - User contributed reviews of books and DVD's related to contact.
- Definitions - Glossary of contact juggling terms and definitions.
- Essays - Archive of Essays and in depth instructional material on contact juggling.
- External links - To other CJ sites.
- Videos - Some inspiring online CJ videos.
- Styles - The various different styles.
Be sure to get yourself a login name on the forums, it's where beginner can meet ninja and where you can read up (and say your say) on all the latest buzz within the Contact Juggling Community.
One way to find a contact juggler near you is to check on our page of contact jugglers. You can also add yourself there if you'd like people to find you.
RSS feeds of current posts on the forums, at the Ministry of Manipulation, and contact related videos from around the net;
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Contact Juggling ? The Ministry of Manipulation
About is an open forum for the contact juggling community. It contains articles and videos from some of the most well known contact jugglers in the world. Users may edit, participate, and contribute to just about every page on the site, and all comments are welcome. The site has been archiving the community development since 1999.