2 Hand Crossed Up Isolation
From ContactJuggling.org
Revision as of 00:38, 11 June 2025 by DeI2anGeD (Talk | contribs)
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh7mKtU-Hy8
[edit] Silver's Explanation
There was me thinking this move was self-explanatory. I just had a look at it for the first time in a while and tried to describe it to myself. hmmmm
To begin: start with index fingers together, arms crossed, palm up, ball between pinkie and ring(ish) roll ball to other hand , lift empty hand over and lay pinkies side by side, arms uncrossed(palms up) roll ball to start hand, lift other hand over ball(so arms cross) roll ball into other hand stopping between 3rd and pinkie(ish) go back to start
(it's a 100mm/ 4")