Circle old school

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    kverens: Start with the ball in the right cradle. Butterfly it into the palm. Palm-palm pass to the left. Butterfly the left into the left cradle. Back-back pass into the right cradle. Repeat a few times.

    lcoombes: For those who incorporate a lot of body motion into their contact juggling, this trick looks great if you start it low and repeat it while moving your hands upward. It creates a bit of a floating effect.

    juggledo: You can also stretch this move out in various ways, I like raising the recieving hand of the back to back transfer up a bit higher as it's butterflied to the palm to palm, which it's then lowered as it decends into the palm to palm. It extends the time of the butterfy making the path of the ball in the one hand seem alot slower. I know this isn't the best of explanations, but it's a subtle difference and hard to explain. It's kind of like in three ball toss juggling, where you stretch the boundaries by juggling in a cascade and trying to juggle the same pattern in as many different ways as you can by widening, speeding up, and slowing down the pattern etc.

    Sidivan: On the Back to Back transfer, if you transfer about 1/2 ways down your arm and move the transferring arm in the direction you want the ball to go, you can isolate the ball at the bottom of the circle. This gives the a ball a kind of pause before it starts its next circle. Makes it look like the ball is deciding if it wants to go again.

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