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  • NameFormatLengthRatingInfo
    lcoombes - Lodi 2025wmv06m09s8.95more...
    Silver IWMV04m14s8.84more...
    theonlygoldenchicken - cj/toss integrationmov00m39s8.66667more...
    monkeyboy - iso double pinkylift00m00s8.5more...
    theonlygoldenchicken - 3b toss/contactmov00m20s8.42857more...
    iannai - GdQtymov00m00s8.33333more...
    chico - zipped vids00m00s8more...
    rbowers - clip 2avi00m00s8more...
    michael glenn - sphereplaying00m00s7.85714more...
    Juggledo - Interlockwmv00m22s7.83333more...
    silver - BJC200200m00s7.83333more...
    .drop. - cjingmov00m26s7.8more...
    linkohyrule - school projectwmv03m23s7.75more...
    silvers webpage00m00s7.66667more...
    shifty - 3b palmspinningAVI00m36s7.5more...
    Shifty - 6 to 4 palmspinning00m00s7more...
    Juggledo - Production 3WMV00m20s7more...
    linkohyrule - school project (edited)00m00s7more...
    Cardini - billiard ball routine00m00s7more...
    Iannai - 5b Chestroll TransferMOV00m06s7more...
    monkeyboy - 3b movesmov00m22s7more...
    ochan - vid1mpg00m21s7more...
    iannai - 3bGenie2xmov00m00s7more...
    Silver IIWMV00m34s6.83333more...
    Silver IIIWMV00m29s6.66667more...
    Robin Spehar - comic conventionmov03m14s6.66667more...
    ferret - funny00m00s6.66667more...
    iannai - 4bVertLnWJnkmov00m00s6.66667more...
    Juggledo - ImpossibleWMV00m19s6.33333more...
    Silver IV00m00s6more...
    bink - school cjDivX500m30s6more...
    Leon FreestylingDivX00m30s6more...
    CJC2001-Daniel Kerr00m00s5more...
    Juggledo - Production 100m00s5more...
    linkohyrule - home video (just the CJ)00m00s5more...
    ian - chestroll00m00s5more...
    goldfrost - cage00m00s5more...
    goldfrost - holds 100m00s5more...
    Raul - armcurl to forehead stallmpg00m00s5more...
    Juggledo - Production 200m00s4more...
    ferret - UnGodly Jose00m00s3.5more...
    Juggledo - Production 400m00s3more...
    Juggledo - Production 500m00s2more...
    Spin Doctors - w/ Steve Brown clips00m00s1more...
    ferret - freefall00m00s1more...
    ferret - jump00m00s1more...
    ferret - snap00m00s1more...
    ferret - toss00m00s1more...
    ian - 4b00m00s1more...
    ian - 5b00m00s1more...
    ian - 6b00m00s1more...
    ian - train00m00s1more...
    ian - propellor 200m00s1more...
    goldfrost - holds 200m00s1more...
    fsb - black light cj00m00s1more...
    stu - 2b curl00m00s1more...
    CJC2001-Ardell Moree00m00s0more...
    CJC2001-Arron Gitzen00m00s0more...
    CJC2001-Daryl Hunter00m00s0more...
    CJC2001-Kenneth Toombs00m00s0more...
    raydancer - knuckle jumping00m00s0more...
    raydancer - flip-flop, etc00m00s0more...
    raydancer - finger flourish00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - 3b cascade00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - 4b + iso00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - cage00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - flourish00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - forearm + transfer00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - spiral00m00s0more...
    lcoombes - spiral 200m00s0more...
    lcoombes - spiral 300m00s0more...
    ferret - 3b Circle00m00s0more...
    ferret - video 00000m00s0more...
    ferret - armroll00m00s0more...
    ferret - flick00m00s0more...
    rbowers - clip1avi00m00smore...

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    Never leave an acrylic unattended - it can focus the sun and cause a fire..


    polycarbonate balls?

    today i was going to my juggling store and i saw n...

    re: follow the leader

    I used virtualdub and divx'ed the chess fight, it ...

    re: off topic - Jareth

    I don't double post very often (until recently I h...

    Breakdancers, poppers, lockers

    Wordup FooLz Yo at breaking trainin...

    re: follow the leader

    Human Chess match ey? i use to play w...

    re: off topic - Jareth

    not your fault dude - I thought I had it licked. I...

    re: off topic - Jareth

    **smacks forehead** This just goes to show why ...

    re: priceless

    Sorry, an assumption on my part. I assumed since y...

    re: off topic - Jareth

    Aww, he's so cute....

    re: priceless

    what's an "LJ" name? Kae...



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