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  • 1b Outside Elbow Flyaway

    [image]balls used: 1
    difficulty (harder to easier):
    3b Seperated Palmspin

    2B Figure 8 Chase
    1b Behind the neck roll
    1b Outside Elbow Flyaway
    1b Outside Elbow Flyawaylogin to adjust
    2b Backarm Roll Transfer
    1b Forhead to Back of Neck Stall
    4b Curl
    2b vertical palmspin
    default image: marco 2024-10-02
    marco: Move your elbow outwards, hand in front of your chest, untill the arm is horizontal. Hold your hand tightly to your chest and notice the bulging flesh between your under and upper arm. Move your underarm and hand forwards and notice the point where the skin starts to tighten (and move upwards) by the pull of your underarm. The transition point between this tightning and bulging of the skin is the correct arm position. At this point the flesh is minimal tensed and the weight of the ball can easily depress the surface of your skin. On the outside/back of the arm you might have some stability from the upperarmbone. Now it is "simply" a matter of maintaining the balance by slightly lowering or raising of the elbow, preventing the ball from rolling out of the dimple made by its weight.


    Thats very impressive!
    2003-05-10 04:16:52 by mathias

    wow! nice move its really balanced out

    re: Thats very impressive!
    2003-05-10 09:42:23 by kverens

    hehe - congrats on the non-"grimpin" adjective, mathias (son of Deuteronomy of Gath, perhaps?)

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