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  • 1b dual fist isolation

    [image]balls used: 1
    difficulty (harder to easier):
    6b Line Shuffle

    3b propellor isolation
    3b PalmSpin Walk
    3b Mesh w/ Arm Catch
    1b dual fist isolationlogin to adjust
    3b Mesh w/ Arm Catch
    3b PalmSpin Walk
    3b propellor isolation
    6b Line Shuffle
    default image: Anders 2024-04-28
    Happy for comments!


    happy to reply!
    2003-05-04 21:11:30 by Hiemdall

    very interesting anders! what would it look like from the side tho? would it move up and down or is it COMPLETLY isolated?

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-05 07:06:47 by zxenor

    i don't know about this vid, but it is possible to isolate it completely. chico has some good videos up i believe

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-05 18:13:54 by iannai

    I like the view, I need to rig up my camera so I can do some taping like this, I am trying to get this iso to enten over the back of the hand- however it is tough to get 100% isolated with any trick

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-07 12:23:36 by anders

    It is possible to isolate it completly, even though it is not in this anim...

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-16 17:26:09 by 8lorq8

    damn, i hate to be naive, but i really thought i had something original in this move. by no means do i have it down yet, but i really felt it would be a token move for me. i suppose you all know that sort of disappointment. guess it's just my attachment to being special, unique. just goes to show- same mind.

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-19 12:12:10 by anders

    I know the feeling and I don't like it.

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-20 06:09:45 by ian

    the isolation in the animation is more solid than you give yourself credit for. but i would like to see the move from more of an audience perspective.

    re: happy to reply!
    2003-05-20 10:37:10 by anders

    Well, the thing is I don't have neither a camera nor a working computer myself. But maybe I'll have time to do some new anims during the summer.

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