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  • 4b Mobius Twist

    [image]balls used: 4
    difficulty (harder to easier):
    6b Line Shuffle

    3b propellor isolation
    3b PalmSpin Walk
    3b Mesh w/ Arm Catch
    4b Mobius Twistlogin to adjust
    3b Mesh w/ Arm Catch
    3b PalmSpin Walk
    3b propellor isolation
    6b Line Shuffle
    default image: Shifty 2024-02-28
    Mobius Strip: A continuous one-sided surface that can be formed from a rectangular strip by rotating one end 180° and attaching it to the other end..... Alright so its not a one sided surface, but it still has no beginning and no end. Looks like a snake, and follow the leader at the same time.


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